Sunday, January 30, 2011

My oh my..where has the time gone

Last I left off I... well.. I don't know where I last left off.  Be right back..  HOLY COW!!! December 9th?!  Well grab a cup o'joe and settle in for a few updates.

Well, clearly I FAILED at my daily December posts and I am none to shy to admit it that it is because I was seared.  The questions were INTENSE!!  But, I deserve some credit because I THOUGHT about them.  Well, some of them.  So in my head, I know the answers.

So that early December cycle was a big fat bust.  No preggo, Jean-o.  The next cycle happened about 2 weeks later (the good thing about fertility problems is the next try is always right around the corner.  The bad thing about fertility problems is the next try is right around the corner.  You've barely gotten up off the floor, from crying your eyes out and BAM it's time to go again).  The next cycle, somewhere around mid-December, I could look at my calender but I am lazy.. we decided to try together!  YAY!!  That entailed purchasing more sperm.  mmmmm... sperm. 

We ended up buying 3 ICI vials and 1 IUI vial.  Welp, we were so late in deciding if K was actually going to try that cycle that we had a bit of a sperm snafu.   The morning the sperm was due to be delivered,  I got a positive OPK.  AHHHH!!!  So I called my doctor who said 'I am only in a half day, get here (as in one hour away) NOW.  AWESOME. 

I sheepishly told him the goods were en route and he said '(sigh) call me back when you have their eta.'  Commence sperm chase down.  I called Fed Ex (always awkward - I mean I am calling about sperm..)  and told them to 'hold the tank'!! I a-coming!! But was told they weren't really sure where it was and probably was heading to Raynham.  ugg.. nothing like loosing your sperm to make a girl cranky.  I called Raynham told them and repeated my frantic cry "HOLD THE TANK I AM ON MY WAY".  Hopped in the shower, grabbed Grace and hit the highway.  And wouldn't you know, I got there early!! With nothing but time to kill, I passed it and drive for a bit to find gas so I wouldn't have to make anymore stops until Boston.  Smooth sailing for here on!  I even lingered long enough to buy a lottery ticket, who knows.. maybe today is our lucky day?

THAT is when the phone rang.  The truck was early and the woman FORGOT to pull the tank and it was on it's way to my house.  What I wanted to say is "HOW THE HELL DID YOU FORGET A FRANTIC CONVERSATION WE HAD 20 MIN AGO??!!!"  But what I said is " totally understandable, these things happen' to which point she started to explain what happened.  UG.  Lady, come on!! I got the drivers cell number and told him I would meet him.. in the shaws parking lot.

oh my.

we exchanged the goods and I was on my way.  Finally.

to be continued.