Thursday, March 3, 2011

We're pregnant!!!

We had the next day off (MLK?) and spent the day telling our sisters.  I surprised Aimee in bed, groggy she screamed.  We called Kathy, who screamed and laughed, and Jeannie, who was out getting pizza in Maine and so happy, and surprised Colleen and Patti at their home.  Colleen was so excited and happy, she cried.  Patti launched 2 bags of trash she was carrying into a snow bank and screamed.  I sent a picture to Jodi, who received it and proceeded to call me screaming and crying into the phone about how happy she was.

It was a a wonderful day, sharing the very best news with our sisters.

After the excitement died down, we went to get blood work down to confirm we were pregnant.  The blood work came back positive (!) but the HSG was only 107 and we were told I needed to go back in 48 hours to repeat the test, to be sure the number increased by 60%.

It was a scary and nerve wracking 48 hours..  Not to mention, we had the biggest snow storm of the season but I was hell bent on getting the blood work done.  I would have walked there if necessary.

Blood work done, I dropped Kerri off at home and went to Roche Brothers to stay busy - I was in the ice cream section when the phone rang.  I dropped my basket and ran for the front of the store.  The nurse could barely control her happiness when she exclaimed 'your beta is 350'!! You are definitely  pregnant!!'  The nurses knew we had been trying one long year and 3 of them waited at the lab, hoping our results would come back high.  They tripled!! Holy crap!!

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