Wednesday, November 24, 2010

cd 14 and still waiting...

waiting seems to be a theme here... Today is day 14 of my cycle and I always surge in day 14 but this morning, there was barely a line.  This is good though.. it means I will most likely surge tomorrow which is thanksgiving!! Now THAT is something to be thankful for!  and K will be able to come to the IUI with me.. the fact that she wouldn't be there, had I gone in today, was kind of freaking me out.  As a teacher she couldn't take the day off before a holiday.  I was a little anxious about the possibility of getting knocked up alone! Tomorrow is K's (late) mom's birthday so wouldn't it be wonderful... But we find a reason each month would 'be wonderful' so it is best not too look into it so much :)

We still don't have our Thanksgiving plans nailed down - we get excited to host..a party, a holiday.. and then the crucial moment comes.. sending out the information.. and we stall until it is too late.  I love our quite, warm home... hosting stresses me out.  I need to go shopping, though, in case we do host my sister and brother-in-law.  I don't feel very 'holiday'... I think it is all the waiting.  K and I have decided to go hiking on Black Friday.. well.. unless I go in for a 2nd IUI, I guess.. erg.  I feel like I am dwelling with all this waiting, but it really does throw a wrench this thing called life.. planning around the illusive hormone surge..

What you can't do..
go to the gym

what is allowed...

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