Monday, November 22, 2010

Waiting is the hardest part...

Today I am on day 12 of my cycle.  I actually just pulled up my work calendar to check.. as if the day of my cycle isn't the first thing I think about when I wake up... So here I am on day 12 of my first clomid round and I am nervous as a cat about what happens 'next'.  Normally what happens 'next' is I start, that's right, I START testing, knowing full well my LH surge will show up on day 14 but alas... now that we tripped headlong into the world of fertility drugs... I have been testing since day 5.  Already it has cost us over 125.00... erg.  And so I trucked to CVS this morning for about 65.00 worth of test strips to see nothing. like, nothing, nothing.  No line.  and so I freak out again... If I were even a hint of rational I would realize I NEVER have a line this early... but rational, I am not and so I anxiously await the next test.. I am paranoid I will miss it, paranoid I will screw up my cycle, and even more paranoid that it will work and we will end up with quads.. I mean, it DOES happen... and then there is the ethical question about what to do... but there I go again, cart firmly placed before the horse.. let's get a positive LH surge before we consider offing the kids, huh?

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