Saturday, November 27, 2010

chinese food and chicken wings..

Although we had no plans to do so, last night K and I hit up a few stores to participate in this thing called black friday... we scored a FABULOUS commercial blender (I am drinking a delicious strawberry, blueberry, OJ smoothie right now! mmm!!!), some sneakers for K, a couple baby outfits (we can't resist..), and a bunch of stocking 'stuff' for Grace.  The blender was for me.. so I would stop buying 10.00 organic smoothies on my way to work, justifying it because I no longer bring a cup of coffee for the long commute.  It was on sale 50%!  Then, exhausted ;) we went to grab a beer and play some Keno.  Oh I should mention we have all this 'extra' money from our refinance - we finally got the check for the escrow and we decided to celebrate all of our hard work through the refi!  We deserved it!  After increasing our home by $65,000 and dropping our monthly payments by $150.00 (thereby reducing our loan by $75,000 over the life of the loan!!!), not to mention how absolutely crazy life has been working on the house non-stop for the past year... we totally deserved a little splurge!!

So we went to Chinese food and chicken wings, as we like to call it.  a little dive bar in Raynham which, although dive-y, has wonderful memories for us as it was one bar (out of MANY) that we sat in with napkins and calculators and tried to decide on our perfect home.  It was, in fact, the bar we were in when we decided to put in a bid for what was to become our first home!  So we went for a quick beer and Keno.. I played my numbers.. the only numbers I have played since K and I decided on our wedding date, and K played 'the 5's'.  About 15 min into our beer, the 5's started popping up.. and kept on coming.. we both stared at the screen, not saying anything, not wanting to 'jinx' it and when the final number popped up, we both exhaled.. there they were, seven out of eight 5's... being a pretty sketchy place, we just smiled at each other with wide eyes and K grabbed a card to see what we won.  ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS!!!! WOOO-HOOO!!!! we both laughed and laughed and smiled and laughed (and sent a text to Aimee who informed us she was at Jeff's reunion and was the 'best looking there..' love her.)

So today, we are taking our winnings and are off to look at baby furniture!!! We already picked out what we think we want but we are going to check out a new place and make sure! 

Isn't life wonderful?!!

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